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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - mode


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Middle English moede, from Latin modus measure, manner, musical ~ — more at mete  Date: 14th century  1.  a. an arrangement of the eight diatonic notes or tones of an octave according to one of several fixed schemes of their intervals  b. a rhythmical scheme (as in 13th and 14th century music)  2. mood II,2  3. Late Latin modus, from Latin  a. mood II,1  b. the modal form of the assertion or denial of a logical proposition  4.  a. a particular form or variety of something flying and other ~s of transport  b. a form or manner of expression ; style  5. a possible, customary, or preferred way of doing something explained in the usual solemn ~  6.  a. a manifestation, form, or arrangement of being; specifically a particular form or manifestation of an underlying substance  b. a particular functioning arrangement or condition ; status a spacecraft in reentry ~ a computer operating in parallel ~  7.  a. the most frequent value of a set of data  b. a value of a random variable for which a function of probabilities defined on it achieves a relative maximum  8. any of various stationary vibration patterns of which an elastic body or oscillatory system is capable the vibration ~ of an airplane propeller blade the vibrational ~s of a molecule  Synonyms: see method  II. noun  Etymology: French, from Latin modus  Date: circa 1645 a prevailing fashion or style (as of dress or behavior)  Synonyms: see fashion
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  n. 1 a way or manner in which a thing is done; a method of procedure. 2 a prevailing fashion or custom. 3 Computing a way of operating or using a system (print mode). 4 Statistics the value that occurs most frequently in a given set of data. 5 Mus. a each of the scale systems that result when the white notes of the piano are played consecutively over an octave (Lydian mode). b each of the two main modern scale systems, the major and minor (minor mode). 6 Logic a the character of a modal proposition. b = MOOD(2). 7 Physics any of the distinct kinds or patterns of vibration of an oscillating system. 8 US Gram. = MOOD(2). Etymology: F mode and L modus measure ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) вид; тип; характер 2) мода, вид [форма, тип] колебаний; вид [тип] волн 3) способ; метод; принцип 4) режим (работы) 5) вчт. состояние 6) швейн. мода - mode of behavior - mode of deformation - mode of excitation - mode of failure - mode of functioning - mode of propagation - mode of test - mode of transport - ablative pit-forming mode - abnormal mode - acceleration mode - access mode - accumulation mode - acoustic mode - acquisition mode - active mode - adaptive control mode - addressing mode - air-liquefaction mode - alternate mode - anticipation mode - approach mode - assemble mode - astable vibration mode - astable mode - automatic mode - automatic opening mode - automatic skinning mode - autopilot heading mode - autoposition mode - avalanche mode - axial mode - background mode - backward mode - backward propagating mode - backward scattering mode - backward scatter mode - backward traveling mode - bare resonator mode - basic mode - batch mode - birefringent mode - block mode - block-multiplex mode - bound modes - broadcast mode - buckling mode - burst mode - calibration mode - capture mode - cavity mode - cavity flipping mode - central mode - character mode - character generation mode - characteristic mode - charge-coupling mode - circularly polarized mode - cladding mode - clockwise polarized mode - coherently locked modes - cold mode - collective modes - command mode - common mode - common failure mode - compatibility mode - competing modes - compute mode - confined mode - constant cutting speed mode - constant speed mode - contention mode - continuous mode - continuous path mode - continuous-wave mode - contour modes - contradirectional modes - control mode - conversational mode - cooling mode - coorbital mode - coplanar mode - core-guided mode - core mode - counterclockwise polarized mode - counterrotating circularly polarized modes - counting mode - coupled modes - cross polarized modes - cubic mode - current mode - current saving mode...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  режим; способ форма; вид mode of buckling mode of load application cooling mode failure mode heating mode operation mode setback heating mode summer mode travel mode winter mode ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) режим 2) состояние 3) мода, тип (волны) – mode of behavior – access mode – acoustic mode – active mode – adaptive mode – alternate mode – ANS/FAX mode – answering mode – assemble mode – asymmetrical mode – asynchronous balanced mode – asynchronous transfer mode – authorized reception mode – auto document mode – autoinformer mode – automatic reception mode – automatic mode – auto-night mode – backup mode – basic control mode – biharmonical mode – bound mode – buffer mode – byte mode – center mark mode – channel mode – circuit-transfer mode – cladding mode – client-server mode – coasting mode – combined mode – command mode – common mode – communication mode – confidential mode – continuous mode – continuous emission mode – conversational mode – correction mode – coupled modes – cutoff mode – data mode – data-processing mode – day/night mode – delayed ARM mode – DEMO mode – detail mode – detection mode – direct sending mode – display mode – dual mode – duplex mode – erase mode – evanescent mode – executive mode – expansion modes – external synchronization mode – Fax mode – fine mode – first-type oscillation mode – forced mode – frame mode – fundamental mode – generator mode – ghost mode – group mode – guard mode – half-duplex mode – half-speed mode – half-tone mode – hierarchical mode – high-power mode – holding mode – hollow-beam mode – home-only mode – hybrid mode – idling mode – instant ARM mode – internal synchronization mode – interrupt mode – interruptible current mode – inversed mode – key mode – landscape mode – leaky mode – limiting mode – light-tensioned mode – linear mode – line-art mode – line-hold mode – listening mode – local mode – lock mode – long-distance mode – long-play mode – long-time mode – loudly mode – low signal mode – lugdown mode – macroblock mode – magnetostatic mode – manual mode –...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) электр. вид колебаний 2) метод 3) мода 4) модус 5) образ действия 6) режим 7) способ 8) тип 9) форма 10) форма колебания angular dependent mode — неаксиальный тип колебаний charge storage mode — электр. режим накопления заряда flofting control mode — компьют. способ регулирования астатический folded phonon mode — мода фононная свернутая integral control mode — астатический закон регулирования overlapped registers mode — режим с наложением регистровых операции proportional control mode — статический закон регулирования - Q-spoiled mode - angular mode - anti-Stokes mode - axial mode - breathing mode - decay mode - degenerate mode - depletion mode - dominant mode - fission mode - forward mode - heat-extraction mode - higher-order mode - interaction mode - interactive mode - laser mode - lasing mode - lock mode - map mode - masing mode - master mode - mode of averaging - mode of behavior - mode of disintegration - mode of interaction - mode of occurrence - mode of operation - mode of resonance - natural mode - nonspiking mode - normal mode - off-line mode - operating mode - oscillation mode - out-of-plane mode - parallel mode - parallel-serial mode - parameter mode - pin-test mode - pinger mode - pipeline mode - principal mode - program mode - prompted mode - pulse mode - quick-tear mode - quiescent mode - radiating mode - real mode - resonant mode - rotate mode - select mode - series mode - simulation mode - single mode - single-shot mode - spurious mode - suppress mode - sustain mode - transmission mode - trapped mode - twisted mode - uncoupled mode - wave mode - waveguide mode - whispering mode ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) способ, метод 2) образ действия 3) режим (работы) 4) состояние 5) форма; вид – best mode MODE сущ. 1) способ, метод 2) образ действий • - grosso mode - mode of distribution - mode of life - mode of operation - mode of production - mode of thought - operating mode ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) образ, способ, метод 2) биом. мода – mode of decomposition – mode of DNA packing – mode of existence – mode of life – fixed mode of life ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. метод, способ mode of production —- полит-эк. способ производства mode of publication —- способ издания (книг) mode of operation —- спец. способ или режим работы 2. образ действий; манера mode of life —- образ жизни mode of speaking —- манера говорить 3. форма, вид mode of publication —- форма (вид) издания (книг) musical and literary modes of expression —- музыкальная и литературная формы выражения mode of combat —- воен. вид боевых действий mode of decay —- физ. тип (форма, схема) распада 4. мода, обычай today such a thing is the mode —- сейчас такие вещи не в моде; теперь мода на такие вещи after the mode of France —- на французский манер (лад); по французскому обычаю; как принято во Франции 5. грам. уст. наклонение 6. муз. лад, тональность 7. лог. модальность суждения 8. геол. действительный минералогический состав породы 9. мода (в математической статистике) 10. физ. тип движения; мода (напр. колебаний) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) метод, способ; - mode of production  2) образ действий; - mode of life  3) форма, вид  4) мода; обычай  5) mus. лад, тональность Syn: see method MODE of production способ производства MODE of life образ жизни ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (modes) 1. A mode of life or behaviour is a particular way of living or behaving. (FORMAL) He switched automatically into interview mode. N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. A mode is a particular style in art, literature, or dress. ...a slightly more elegant and formal mode of dress... N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. On some cameras or electronic devices, the different modes available are the different programs or settings that you can choose when you use them. ...when the camera is in manual mode. N-COUNT: usu supp N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 formal a particular way or style of behaving, living or doing something  (They have a relaxed mode of life that suits them well. | a highly efficient mode of transport) 2 technical a particular way in which a machine operates when it is doing a particular job  (a spacecraft in re-entry mode | To get out of the `auto' mode on the camera, turn the knob to `M'.) 3 be in work mode/holiday mode etc informal to be in a particular state of mind  (With only minutes to go, we were now in panic mode.) 4 be the mode formal to be fashionable at a particular time  (Long skirts were then the latest mode.) 5 technical one of various systems of arranging notes in music, such as major and minor in Western music  (- see also a` la mode, modish) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Transportation Mode ocean sc. abbr. Mid- Ocean Dynamics Experiment softw. abbr. Musical Object Development Environment ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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